From the recording Lost In Songs

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A man tries to telephone his love, but he doesn’t seem to accept that she left him for another almost fifty years ago and in the mean time has died.


I try to call you like I did a long time ago
To say again what I said back then
Hoping your answer will be yes in stead of no
And you'll forget all those other men

But the number I dial always turns to cold
By chasing memories of the past I leave the story untold

Oh, and it's been fifty years
That I'm riding on a highway full of tears

Now you haunt the edges of my imagination
You still look as young as the first time
In my mind we make love through quiet communication
A useless and silly pantomime

In this silence, I hear your voice so clear
In the filthy static and the echoes, you're always near

Oh, yes, it's been fifty years
That I'm riding on a highway full of tears

The ringtone I chose for you, is a song by Adele
Little did I know it turned out to be your death knell

My phone's a time machine, where your voice resides
In the twilight of my days, I hold on
In disconnected tones, I pray love still abides
A feeling that's never truly gone

And maybe one day my soul will find peace
So I keep dialing your number, a ritual I can't cease

Oh, yes, it's been fifty years
That I'm riding on a highway full of tears

As my life's sun begins to set I wait for a reply
Calling on a line that's lost till the day of my last goodbye