From the recording A Medley Songs EP

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Sad medley ballad of three songs from the ‘Low Life, Low Love’ album where a man tries to forget his girlfriend and at the same time hopes she will come back to him.


Let's enjoy this last moment together
Before you walk away forever
We won't see each other anymore
After you've left through the backroom door

The end of an affair
I had no premonition
What I feel is clear despair
Damnation and perdition

We have a history still valuable
All I ask you is to be flexible
I wanna thank you for indulging me
But don't make me feel like a deportee

I wait and wait and wait and wait and wait

For you to find your way back to me
And as I said at the beginning of my plea
Past and future one indistinct blend
This is a story without an end

A story without an end