  1. Kiss My Ass

From the recording Not Dead Yet

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I was a fine but lazy student
Until I discovered this mutant
My mother claimed I was imprudent
And became herself a disputant

Rock 'n' roll, she said
I don't understand why that exists while there are so many pretty things in the world

It's the worst of all degenerations
Nothing but cheap sensations
The most depraved form of self-expression
A rancid smelling obsession

Sneaky and lewd
False and overvalued
Dirty and rude
Shamelessly miscued

Music for the criminal and the antichrist
Written and performed for the Zeitgeist

The mentally ill
With large heads and no will
Pipe ulcers, thick bristles
Crooked feet and pus thistles

But hey

You turn blue like the veins on my hand
With a hideous grin you seem to withstand
All the hate in you catches me offhand
In anger and disgust you do the strand

Kiss my ass, I said
After which she gave me a slap around the ears and send me to my room